Letne karte za sezono 2021
Kljub situaciji, ki je zaznamovala leto, smo izjemno veseli, da je bila sezona golfa 2020 na CUBO zelenici izpeljana brez prekinitev, z izjemo spomladanskega zaprtja. Ker je naše igrišče odprto celo leto je pred nami še mesec zimske golf sezone. S 1.12.2020 odpiramo prodajo LETNIH KART 2021. Te so količinsko omejene, zato vas vabimo k čim prejšnji rezervaciji oziroma nakupu. Nova sezona s tem prinaša nekaj sprememb in ugodnosti, ki jih boste deležni celo leto, zato pohitite k nakupu letne karte.
Zadnje objave
Check-in for sustainability: How is the hospitality industry going green, and why is that important?
CUBO TipsIn the heart of Ljubljana, where the picturesque blend of history and modernity is a daily spectacle, there stands an example of sustainable hospitality - Hotel CUBO. This boutique establishment not only welcomes guests with open arms but also embraces a...
Ultimate Weekend Getaway: 48 Hours in Ljubljana
CUBO TipsLjubljana, the charming capital of Slovenia, is the perfect place for a memorable weekend getaway. With its picturesque landscapes, vibrant culture, and laid-back atmosphere, this city offers the ideal recipe for a 48-hour adventure. If you have a couple of...
The legend of Ljubljana dragon
CUBO TipsNestled in the heart of Europe, the city of Ljubljana is often described as magical, mystical, and charming. Among the many stories that have been passed down through generations, one of the most captivating is the legend of the Ljubljana Dragon. This...